
I will talk about anything and everything here. You'll probably realize though pretty quickly that I'm somewhat obsessed with cooking and entertaining...but I do have other interests.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What does it mean to experience upheaval?

It's strange not having a regular routine.  I was so used to getting up around 6 and running around the house preparing for the work day.  My commute to the office was 20 mins.  Although I had a lot of security checkpoints to get through before I actually got to my desk, more often than not, I was in my seat by 7ish. 

I would check my e-mail first.  I am obsessive about this.  I not only check it, I answer every one of them I am able to and for those I need to research...I send an interim reply..."checking on this..will get back to you ASAP."

Then people would trickle in.  Tammy first.  We'd chat about dogs, cats, husbands, weather...etc.  Then she would be off to an early morning meeting. 

Next maybe I'd go next door and chat with Cheryl for a bit.  She always has a smile on her face and since I'm not a morning person...she helped me get ready for the rest of the day.

From there on I'd greet the occasional visitor (namely someone wondering around the halls without anything better to do) and the rest of my office mates.

Then...lunch!  Maybe off to the KMCC or the O'Club with Sharon for some grub...maybe the Brit Cafe or the Deutsches Haus...on Tues I had lunch with my bud, AKA lil' brother, Chris.  I miss him.  He and his long time girlfriend Silke got married week before last.  I wish I was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Boo Hoo!

After work I usually ran some errands...maybe a stop at the BX or Commissary or the gas station, then home to start dinner before Derron got off work.

I loved sitting in the living room while dinner was cooking...I could glance over and see the patio or look through the dining room and see what may be going on at Hilda's house.  Or maybe I'd head upstairs to watch a DVD in the den or work on my computer in the bedroom.

After dinner Derron and I would watch a little TV and then head to bed with Gracie...and Tobey my stuffed moose.  Life was so simple.  No worries.  Certainly no job or money worries.  Only concern was that the phone would ring and someone else would need money or we'd need to hop on a plane and head to the US.

God I miss my old life.

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