
I will talk about anything and everything here. You'll probably realize though pretty quickly that I'm somewhat obsessed with cooking and entertaining...but I do have other interests.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Preach on my ass

I am so angry at the world today.  Who do people think they are when they make statements that insinuate that they're somehow better than anyone else?  The latest, a handwritten note going around FB preaches that the writer is graduating from college debt-free...he started saving early, he doesn't live beyond his means...yada, yada, yada.  Truly, I'm proud of people like this.  But his success should in no way diminish someone else's misfortune.

There are a lot of people out of work today.  Some are doing something about it. Some can't. Some won't.  But is it right to assume that ALL of them are lazy and shiftless and somehow not entitled to bitch and moan about it?  I've been out of work for over a year.  Fortunately for me I have savings and investments to carry me through the rough times.  Have I tried to find a job?  Yes, many times over.  It's rough out there.  For virtually every job I applied for there were close to 100 other applicants.  Do the math people, some of us aren't getting called back.  Am I blaming the government?  Yes, the government has some culpability.  What about banks and other mortgage lenders?  Hell yes.  Wall Street in particular?  Yes.  People who bit off more than they could chew loan-wise and knew it?  Yes...Am I kicking the mother or father that lost her/his job and can't find another no matter how hard they try?  No and neither should you.

We've lost the ability to feel compassion for people less fortunate.  We make assumptions that everyone is out to get something for nothing.  Why don't you ask someone why they're in the predicament they're in before judging them...or would that kind of intimate personal interaction be too difficult for you when it's so much easier to mouth off from behind your computer screen...and to restate FOX News half-truths.

I am sickened by what I see and hear every day.  It's a wonder we haven't started walking the streets with machetes like in Rawanda not too long ago.  God Lord people...feel for a change will you?

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